Inclusion@Lloyd’s, the committee for governance and strategy for D&I in insurance, challenged Gong to develop a brand platform to bring diversity and inclusion alive in the Lloyd’s market.
They wanted an inspirational and engaging format that people would be motivated by, primarily for the business case to practise better diversity and inclusion in their companies.
The result was Dive In – what began as an initiative of Lloyd’s in just one country in 2015 has become a global initiative across the entire insurance sector, attracting support from firms in financial services, recruitment and law.
Gong developed the brand concept for Dive In and ran logistics and communications for each festival in a composite multi-stakeholder environment with a global reach of 1.8 million.
This involved developing the website and an app on both Apple and Android, curating marketing collateral including a 40-page festival programme, sponsorship offerings, organising a wealth of video and photography capture, running the press office and creating buzz through launch events, branded coffee carts, street-facing branding of the iconic Lloyd’s building, stakeholder communications in each of the 32 countries, and running global steering committee meetings from London.
Described as a ‘brave and bold event’ by Marketing Week, the success of Dive In has been widely recognised by awards in the insurance sector, marketing and PR experts and employers’ networks. Dive In has won or been shortlisted for 11 awards, won seven, and been widely praised and acknowledged across the industry.
A post-festival survey revealed its impact, with 99 per cent attendees agreeing diversity and inclusion was good for business.
Gong secured positive and extensive media coverage across the globe, reaching stakeholders throughout the insurance sector and beyond. Dive In 2020 had a footprint across six continents, with over 140 events in 35 countries.