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Top four challenges when preparing for a speech

Contributed by Sally Maier, Gong alumni during her time at the company

Outside work, I love public speaking and have been an active Toastmasters member for 3 and a half years.

For those who don’t know Toastmasters, it’s a public speaking association founded in US with an international footprint in almost every city in the world.

Earlier this week I gave a talk about the preparation and practise of giving a speech to some 30 people in the room and would like to share part of my talk here, as it could also easily be applied to the public relations and business world.

As part of the preparation for my talk, I asked Toastmasters with backgrounds ranging from professional coaching to IT gurus: “What is your biggest challenge when preparing for a speech?”

Challenge 1:

From the responses, one of the top three most common challenges is finding an interesting topic that fits the set objectives.

Likewise, at work, when preparing a speech or a presentation, we may sometimes find it difficult to find a topic that appeals to our target audience – whether they are the media, consumers, NGOs or governments.

When selecting a topic, try out the C-E-O formula. It has worked for my last 15 speeches at Toastmasters, as well as at work.

  • Connection: Ensure that the topic you select connects with every single individual in the room. This applies to any speech for any situation.
  • Evaluation: What are the things that you will be judged on? Ask for the criteria before you craft your speech or presentation.
  • Objectives: What do you want to achieve from the speech or presentation? Is it about selling a product or changing a behaviour?


Now you may ask, how will I get inspiration for the topic idea itself? Here are three ideas for you:

  • Carry a notebook with you every day. Jot down your ideas as and when you stumble across them. Brilliant ideas often spring to mind when outside familiar office environments.
  • Talk to the people around you. They are your inspiration. Last time I was due to give a demonstration talk at Toastmasters, I was struggling to come up with a topic. Gilly Cutts, my most inspiring mentor, then gave me the brilliant idea of talking about my quarterly e-journal for my family and friends and that’s how I came up with the speech topic “How to keep your global connections”. Likewise, at work, you are not alone. Brainstorm ideas with your colleagues, or even as a group if you are really stuck.
  • Think about your recent life events or the news in the media. Don’t underestimate the power of personal stories. None of us live the very same life. People love hearing true personal stories. Likewise, when drafting a speech or presentation for clients, think about what could make your piece of work stand out. Very often it is about small human touches or an emotional connection.


Challenge 2:

“I have too much to say. I am not sure what to leave out.”

If you face the same problem, try out the A-R-M formula:

  • Audience: It is about the audience, not you. Cross out anything that you think will bore your audience to death!
  • Revision: Revise your speech again and again until you are totally satisfied with it. On average, I revise a speech at least 10 times. As a general rule, five to seven minutes of speech is around 700 to 800 words, and no more than 900 words.
  • Message: Have one main, powerful message. Even two messages are too many. Keep it really simple and easy to remember.


Challenge 3:

“Learning my speech doesn’t come easily or naturally. I always feel unprepared.”

Try out the P-P-P formula if you face the same issue:

  • Plan well ahead. So you know you are not in a rush and you are in control, if the timeline is going to be tight for you, try to reschedule it for a later date.
  • Practise by yourself. Once you have drafted the speech, practise it at least 20 times – practise it whenever you can, e.g. when you are taking a shower, queuing or walking in the park. Also try to:

–          Time your speech and use a recorder if you have one so that you can watch your pace and pronunciation.

–          Practise in front of a mirror so that you can watch your movements and body language.

–          Practise your visual aids. Sometimes they can be a distraction so be sure to integrate your visual aids with your speech and use them to illustrate or emphasise your point.

  • Practise with others such as your colleagues, friends or partner so that you are used to speaking in front of an audience. At Toastmasters, for example, I find practising with my mentor is incredibly useful. Before each speech, I have a couple of practices with my mentor on Skype, either on a Sunday evening or early Monday morning, when we are still in our pyjamas! Likewise at work, if you can, practise your presentation with your colleagues before presenting to your clients.


Challenge 4:

“How do I adapt my speech for a virtual audience or webinar?”

In general, the policies listed above also apply when preparing a speech for a webinar. Of course you will need to adapt for a virtual medium:

  • Be more visual – in a webinar, eye-catching images will help to engage a virtual audience. Think carefully about your image choices – are they landing your key messages effectively?
  • Find ways to establish a personal connection – at a live event, it is possible to establish a relationship with your audience through eye contact, or a well-timed smile. How can you forge a connection online? Think about asking questions of your audience, taking polls, or gaining feedback throughout your speech.
  • Be sure of your technology. Make sure you have a secure wifi signal and if in doubt, consider a backup computer. Perhaps a trusted colleague could be ready with a copy of your speech to jump in and finish for you if the worst happens? Prepare for all eventualities.


Remember – voice is always important when preparing a speech, but even more so in an online setting as there are fewer distractions. Monotone voices can inspire yawns, so keep your tone interesting! Think also about your use of pauses to effect – they can work very well just before you land a point, for example.


But overall – if I need to give you one single piece of advice for preparing and practising for a speech or any piece of work, I would like to quote Stephen Covey:

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!”

African GDP – growing faster than previously thought?


Isabelle Alenus-Crosby

There have been various reports in the news lately that the impressive GDP statistics posted by countries across Africa may actually be underestimations, and that the continent’s outlook could be even better than previously thought.

GDP growth is correlated to a variety of data, and if this data is sparse (which is still very much the case across Africa), whole swathes of economic activity can be overlooked. Simply put, growth is measured by comparing current data to the base year. But without sufficient data, many “new” sectors, such as mobile telephony, have nothing to be compared to. And these new sectors have been growing quickly and steadily across the entire continent for almost a decade.

Until 2010, Ghana was using a 1993 base year. When it was finally revised by the statistical office, GDP estimates rose by over 60 %, translating to approximately 13bn USD of economic activity. Nigeria’s base year is still set at 1990. An upward revision is therefore imminent and likely to be even more impressive than Ghana’s. In fact, economists are predicting that the GDP for the whole of sub-Saharan Africa will rise by at least 15 % in the next couple of years! Where’s the champagne?

Africa’s power shift?

Isabelle Alenus-Crosby

2012 was a good year for women in Africa with the election of a second female president, the first female head of the African Union, two Nobel Prize winners, and a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court.

With such strong role models, and African men becoming increasingly accepting of these power shifts, African women seem to be rising as quickly as Africa itself.

The Rwandan parliament is made up of 56% women, South Africa 42%, Mozambique 40%, Botswana 39% and Angola 38%. It might be a coincidence that these are also 5 of the most prosperous countries in Africa, but coincidence or not, women’s participation in political power seems to be having a very positive impact. A variety of NGOs have reported that in the above countries, as well as in Ghana, there have been significant improvements in women’s education and employment in the past couple of years, both essential to achieving equality.

It remains to be seen whether the increasing visibility of African women in power translates to better prospects for women in general. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report, inequality between men and women on the continent still has a long way to go, but a significant step forward seems to have been taken in 2012.  Can’t wait to see what 2013 will bring!

Africa: Resource and Opportunity-Rich; Data-Poor


Sarah Caddy

We recently met with LinkedIn and were surprised to find that they don’t yet publish numbers for their sub-Saharan Africa membership. Facebook’s growth in Africa on the other hand has been covered extensively.

With Apple reaching record sales in China with its iPhone 5 over the weekend, tech companies will soon be mobilizing their resources to capitalise on the opportunities posed by emerging markets with their growing middle class consumers. Market expansion calls for good data. This is where Africa as a continent faces a big challenge. As recently as May 2012, was reporting on the fact that “the lack of reliable and valid information has been posing threats for the government to draw strategies as well as incentives that will add value to the economic growth”.

Outside of Africa, we have recently worked on a research project for Jacana Partners to uncover attitudes among African MBA graduates . We asked the African diaspora community in the top ten European and American business schools what they plan to do when they graduate. Our initial hypothesis was that graduates are heading back home to forge their career trajectory because of the superior opportunities that the Continent offers. The findings of the survey concluded that at least 70% of students would return home to work and half of those would look to start their own companies and become entrepreneurs.

Njeri Rionge, serial African entrepreneur, noted in her recent speech at CDC, that one of the primary struggles that she and her partner encountered when setting up Wananchi in Kenya, was the lack of data on processes, competitors, and the marketplace. Let us hope that by the time these business graduates return to start their economy-building companies, there will be more information available.

Click here for the full case study

Africa (up) rising?


Isabelle Alenus-Crosby

Ghanaians elected the incumbent president John Mahama in a close vote last week.

There were protests, but generally speaking the elections were peaceful, as predicted. President Mahama was sworn in as president in July 2012 after the death of John Atta Mills, and the transition had been smooth.

However, he instantly started campaigning, promising to tackle youth unemployment, exactly as his opponent had been doing for many months already. It was therefore difficult to gauge what kind of a president he would make.

A statement this weekend has given a first insight. President Mahama has officially declared that the path to prosperity would be bumpy if his government failed to see the importance of entrepreneurship. He has vowed to create an environment where business would prosper and promised to rid Ghana of the challenges and obstacles that are currently discouraging future young entrepreneurs.

Half of all students graduating at Ghanaian universities leave the country due to lack of opportunity. Mahama seems determined to change this. It is essential that policymakers craft policies that are suitable for their national context.

It sounds like the Ghanaian president is set on putting together just such a strategy sooner rather than later.