Tag Archives: Rift Valley

An energy revolution is taking place in East Africa as huge resources of geothermal steam beneath the Great Rift Valley starts to be exploited


Isabelle Alenus-Crosby

“Without sufficient Energy, it is impossible to change an Economy” – Jeremy Rifkin

As the entire East-African region is about to experience a geothermal energy boom, it will also play an important part in preserving the planet

Experts estimate that the geothermal potential of the East African Rift Valley, a geothermal hot-spot that spans 11 countries, will be essential for the area’s continued GDP growth. Geothermal energy, which is heat from the earth, is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. This new energy therefore has the added bonus of cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and since the earth constantly generates heat, it can also be regarded as renewable.

The East African Rift Valley system is estimated to potentially produce 15,000MW of electricity within the next few years. Recent, enhanced technologies are reducing the unit price of geothermal energy and thus meeting the economic needs of all citizens, including the poor. According to the UN, the geothermal boom could lift millions out of poverty within the next decade.

The good news out of Africa just keeps on coming!